Saturday, April 9, 2011

" hmm..what should i name my boutique "

A friend is opening a boutique that will offer not high end but a little upscale - upscale casual to be exact,( not those bought from Vietnam or China clothing), local and SEA (South East Asia) designers clothing and accessories (think Anthropologie or Urban Outfitters). focus is 17-40 yr old women.
She will be selling her own designed clothing too (jeans / business casual / going outs) -- mainly for Muslimah. She may has the possibility of opening multiple locations in the future, so the name should not be "site/location specific".
Here are some names that are already in use, but will give you an idea of what she likes and looking for: Piperlime, Anthroplogie, Paperdoll. She wants something unique . Some names I have "toyed" around with are: Pepperberry, Anik or Anique,Simply Chic,anthrəpäləjē and tag lines of: "fashions for the body - head to toe" . She's open to any and all feedback/suggestions -- Please help her!!

Thanking you in advance .


Onna said...

le bellezze
da me a te'
spacca cuore
che belle

semuanya in italian, maknya lebih kurang lah eh...

si cantik
from me to you
si pencuri hati
the beauty

lifeislikethat said...

thanx Alida...nice,
i like all of them - but i like da me a te' the most..

dapat idea fron the song dalam blog ni ker??...;)

shahariah said...

who is that friend ana?
your friend? your cousin? your sis?

'city chique'
'i've got you covered'

shahariah said...

ok ke those names? :)

Onna said...


i kan italian..'una italiana'... tak dengar pun lagu you...hhehehe...italian language tu macam bahasa i... tu yang teringat tu...

lifeislikethat said...

Alida bella
Ti credo bella donna ..
grande !! ;)

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