Monday, June 1, 2009

The archetypal figure whom I've been adoring from afar.

So who is this bonifide beauty? A beauty that transcends the meaning of "drop-dead gorgeous". Beauty, brains and brawn. A triple threat that knows no boundaries. The Oprah of Indonesia, if you will. Ratna Sari Dewi, daughter of two doting Japanese parents, wife of the first Prime Minister of Indonesia, Soekarno, and by far the most influential figure that stood the test of time. She went against traditional customs by marrying her husband, an Indonesian.

In my opinion, she truly is the defnition of Eastern beauty. While the world was busy drooling over Westerners like Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe, many fail to realize this full of personality and warm person, that is Ratna Sari Dewi,my idol.
who's yours???



arashiela said...

na....tapi pompuan ni skang cam dah hodoh la..terlampau banyak benor job done for her so udah jadi tak natural gitu.......I've bump into her once and of course for her age, she looks great but of course tak natural la gitu kan...

lifeislikethat said...

yeke nita??
im sure she is not a muslim lagi,kan??
but,she was sooo stunning kan??
wonder what she's doing now ek??

kin said...

my idol ek... OPRAH... Hope Allah bukak pintu hati dia one day ... Amin

lifeislikethat said...

i pun idolize Oprah..and hopefully dia masuk islam one day...tapi dia xcantek mcm ratna sari dewi...Oprah is a woman of substance..Ratna is a classic beauty..kan???

but of cos my ultimate idol is doubt about it..

lifeislikethat said...

mas...i'm ur idol????biar betul..
ni dah tergolek2 ketawa geli ati ni..kakakaka..

lifeislikethat said...

mas..owhhhhhhh..tipulah tu ek???

jom gi shopping,arini prada start end of season sale..jom!

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