Thursday, January 27, 2011
Chivalry Isn't Dead,.. yet!
I was taught to treat people with a certain amount of respect,and that it will lead to more positive situations, but society as a whole has to take this into consideration, not just a small handful of people who wishes chivalry would regain the strength to awaken out of the deep sleep it's been in for too many years. The loss of manners and courteousness in modern civilization is truly a let down.
However the incident i'm about to tell you might change your perception about chivalry all on..
So there I was, walking out of Studio 5, Naan Corner after buying some dinner. As I was walking towards my car, I noticed that the guy that had parked his car next to mine was also about to go out. What happens next is a definite "awww.." moment for all my fellow lady` readers..
As I got into my car, I obviously waited for him to reverse his car first, for the obvious reason of him getting into and starting his car up first. So anyway, as soon as the guy had fully reversed his car, I expected him to drive off straight away.. But instead, he reversed further back and gave me way to reverse my car first... Can you say "chivalry", ladies?
I say Yes!...totally!!
...Chivalry is not dead...It's Just on Life Support..;)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Keutamaan Sabar Menghadapi Cobaan
Since today is a Friday,i deem this blog entry worthy of a post that is related to religion...
To say that it has become a trend lately would be far too harsh, but basically that's where I'm sort of going. For the past few weeks, it seems like quite a number of my friends have lost their loved ones, gone through heartbreak, and also other family or relationship debacles. So to those of you who are reading and feel that what I'm saying may be hitting just too close to home, read on and from the bottom of my heart, I hope this sort of makes everything a little bit more bearable. Allah is fair and knows better, just take everything you're going through as a test to see just how strong you are. As the saying goes "Whatever that doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger".
untuk peringatan kita bersama..
sebenarnya article ini dipinjam dari seorang saudara..
“Artinya : Dari Ummu Al-Ala’, dia berkata : “Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam menjengukku tatkala aku sedang sakit, lalu beliau berkata. ‘Gembirakanlah wahai Ummu Al-Ala’. Sesungguhnya sakitnya orang Muslim itu membuat Allah menghilangkan kesalahan-kesalahan, sebagaimana api yang menghilangkan kotoran emas dan perak”.
Wahai Ukhti Mukminah .!
Sudah barang tentu engkau akan menghadapi cobaan di dalam kehidupan dunia ini. Boleh jadi cobaan itu menimpa langsung pada dirimu atau suamimu atau anakmu ataupun anggota keluarga yang lain. Tetapi justru disitulah akan tampak kadar imanmu. Allah menurunkan cobaan kepadamu, agar Dia bisa menguji imanmu, apakah engkau akan sabar ataukah engkau akan marah-marah, dan adakah engkau ridha terhadap takdir Allah ?
Wasiat yang ada dihadapanmu ini disampaikan Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam tatkala menasihati Ummu Al-Ala’ Radhiyallahu anha, seraya menjelaskan kepadanya bahwa orang mukmin itu diuji Rabb-nya agar Dia bisa menghapus kesalahan dan dosa-dosanya.
Selagi engkau memperhatikan kandungan Kitab Allah, tentu engkau akan mendapatkan bahwa yang bisa mengambil manfaat dari ayat-ayat dan mengambil nasihat darinya adalah orang-orang yang sabar, sebagaimana firman Allah.
“Artinya : Dan, di antara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah kapal-kapal di laut seperti gunung-gunung. Jikalau Dia menghendaki, Dia akan menenangkan angin, maka jadilah kapal-kapal itu terhenti di permukaan laut. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu terdapat tanda-tanda -Nya bagi setiap orang yang bersabar dan banyak bersyukur”.
Engkau juga akan mendapatkan bahwa Allah memuji orang-orang yang sabar dan menyanjung mereka. Firman-Nya.
“Artinya : Dan, orang-orang yang sabar dalam kesempitan, penderitaan dan dalam peperangan, mereka itulah orang-orang yang benar , dan mereka itulah orang-orang yang bertaqwa”.
Engkau juga akan tahu bahwa orang yang sabar adalah orang-orang yang dicintai Allah, sebagaimana firman-Nya.
“Artinya : Dan, Allah mencintai orang-orang yang sabar”.
Bottom line is friends...bersabarlah,pasrah dah berdoa bila dalam kesusahan atau kedukaan...
semuga kita semua sentiasa dirahmati,diredhai, diberkati Allah..
Amin Yarobbal Alamin..
Saturday, January 1, 2011
The reason me typing out this entry is simply because its the 1st day of the new year and it seems only appropriate to do so..and being able to keep the date for this entry as 1111 is an added bonus...yeeehaaaa...
It's that time of year again,when we let go all the mistakes we made in the past and hope for the better outcome in the new year..
not everybody lists down their new year's resolutions tho', but for those who do,make a promise to themselves to keep to their resolutions and hopefully become better people..
But who are we kidding,out of those people who made resolutions only a handful of them keep up to it and the rest just forget about it months later and may be keep their resolutions for the next year..
that's why i don't make any resolutions..cos i'm very impulsive, and it's so Cliché..;))
Anyway,..Here's hoping that everyone has a great 2011 and may all you resolutions come true..
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