Thursday, June 11, 2009


Walaupun no one asked me to post the bday cake i made ( :,( )...tapi i still nak post jugak..i know it's nothing like the pro buat...but it's original tau??? :,(



kin said...

wow... sok leh wat tuk my bedey kay... kin nak bentuk lurp...lurp... with lots of m&m on it...nak tiga tingkat... demand ni...hahaha

lifeislikethat said...

ok Kin..u r my no 1 and 1st customer..thanx Kin,
ada jugak org sudi nak tempah kek dgn i..
i janji i buat cantik2 utk u,,lurp & lots of m&m k??

lifeislikethat said...

ok intoxicated-catastrophe aka mas,
kalau sudi nanti kite buat muka mas kat atas kek tu k?? :p

I wish you enough.

I wish you enough....     Recently, I overheard a mother and daughter in their last moments together at the airport. They had announced the ...