Saturday, July 11, 2009

All systems go....we are good to go.

Good luck guys..
Here wishing all the DREAMTEAM members good luck.
We did it before,and we are gonna do it again,better and wiser..
Kepada para dermawan terima kasih dari kami yang tak terhingga,semuga ALLAH saja yang dapat membalas jasa baik anda semua.
Kami doakan semuga ALLAH merahmati dan meredhai hidup anda dan keluarga anda sentiasa.
Dan sentisa didalam perlindungan NYA...AMIN.
This year, our kind contributors have afforded us a much more ample supply of interesting prizes and im sure the kids are soooooooo gonna have a great time tomorrow..YEY!!!


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I wish you enough.

I wish you enough....     Recently, I overheard a mother and daughter in their last moments together at the airport. They had announced the ...