Saturday, February 5, 2011

croissant bread butter pudding.

I didn’t think I liked bread pudding until I had this one. Actually I know I didn’t like it. This one changed my mind forever. This is an incredible dessert, It is loaded with croissants!

Dah lama nak post this recipe..
ramai yang mintak..maybe sebab sedap kot??
dah bagi pun pada yang mintak recipe tu...tapiiiiiii..
just like me,selagi belum cuba selagi tu lah tak ingat2 ingredients ,or dah misplaced the recipe...perkara biasa tu..

So,..untuk mempermudahkan hidup kita semua,i've decided to post the recipe now!..
so sesiapa yang ingin mencuba this delicious pudding,sila rujuk kat blog saya ni..
memang sedap- takkan menyesal mencubanya..


6 ( Délifrance ) croissants
3 extra large whole eggs
5 extra large egg yolks
1 can evaporated milk ( approximately 2 cups )
3 cups fresh milk...
( actually kalau ada half and half lebih baik...tapi kat malaysia ni i tak jumpa lagi half anf half,so i modified pakai evaporated milk and fresh milk )
1 1/2 cup sugar
1 cup raisins (optional)
2 tsps vanilla essence

saperti biasa panaskan oven 200°C

mix together sugar,eggs,milk and vanilla in a bowl..
don't beat.. kacau sehingga semua sebati sahaja..

belah dua croissant saperti gambar atas...susun bahagian bawah croissant kedalam baking dish

taburkan raisins ...dan cover semula dgn bahagian atas croissant..

pour eggs and milk mixture kedalam bekas croissant..tekan2 sedikit supaya croissant tu fully soaked dgn egg and milk mixture..
masukkan baking dish ke dalam bekas yang berisi air panas sebelum dibakar..
saperti gambar diatas..

tutup bekas dgn aluminum foil dan tebuk sedikit foil supaya steam dapat di 'release' kan ...hahaha my bahasa is so teruk...i hope you guys faham apa yang ingin saya sampaikan...;p

bakar dalam ketuhar selama 1 jam...selepas 1 jam buka foil dan bakar further for another 10 minutes dgn api atas sahaja,supaya bahgian atas pudding cantik..

*kalau nak sedap lagi,tambahlah dgn cheese (ketika raisin ditaburkan)

selamat mencuba..

*"half-and-half" is a commercially prepared dairy product that is half whole milk and half cream. That's single cream,


Zia said...

Always wanted someone to make this..notice "to make this'..bukan nak buat sendiri. Well that me..only once in the blue moon masuk dapur. Anyway, last time I tasted this was something like 4 yrs ago in Sheraton SJ I believe, and still remember the taste's memorable alright! Ok Ana, you buat I berkobar..will definitely try is this time..Thanks for posting this Dear! XOXO,

arashiela said...

nanti wa kasi lu resipi lagi senang punya...and you will love me for that........caramel croissant pudding.
bila nak bagi tak tau ye...but insyaallah disatu hari yang mulia. must put new entry to my blog...dah lama dia jadi bisu.

lifeislikethat said...

Zia..if you want me "to make this" just let me know..
org tgh "darah manis" tak boleh kempunan..hehehe..
nanti i buat k?...i bwk gi masjid,insyaALLAH...

lifeislikethat said...

Nita..cepatlah post kat blog yg dah berhabuk tu..
i nak cuba buat..;p

shahariah said...

this one memang sedap,i dah rasa dah..
sinfully delicious!!
nak lagi boleh ana?..:p

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